Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Safra Singapore Bay Run 2009

The last time i participated in this was when i was still serving in the army in 2001 when it was only known as the Army Half Marathon. Whuff...that's like a good 8 years and i could still do a sub 5min for each kilometer and i vaugely recalled my timing to be somewhere just over 90mins. Those were the days when i was still well under 60kg and could eat 3 big macs at one sitting.
The run on sunday was fantastic as this was the first event that KS, XL, A* & i all took part together. KS & i did the half marathon while KS & A* did the women 10K run. This was A*'s 3rd 10K event this year and i'm so proud of her. Don't think she ever done more than 30K in her last
3 years - what an achievement. And she has another 10k event this december to go!
KS and i arrived at the start line almost 20mins after the gun went off for our event. It was a packed packed packed run even for the half marathon. Throughout the first 12k or so i had to swerve in an out to overtake the back packers which was vey disruptive to reach my pacing.
During Desaru HIM earlier this month i did 21k in 2h28min, so i though without swim and bike i should easily do a sub 2hour run. So that was my goal that morning and this will be a gauge for me to know if i could do a sub 4hour 42k in december.
The first 10k took me around 57min which was well within my plan to hit sub 2hr. so i thought to myself "good pace and keep it up". I must say i was quite ill prepared on the nutrition part as i brough along 1 x gul gel for this run which i consumed at the 10k point. From 10-15km i was doing fine and the pacing was being maintained as planned. When i reach the 15km mark i hit the wall and i know i needed to get another boost of gul gel if i wanted to maintain the energy to go on. Unfortunately, i had to go on without the extra boost. So the rest of the 6km was purely mental and i kept asking myself to try not to slow down and along the way i decided to skip a couple of the aid stations to reduce my time loss.
Actually i was expecting some sort of fueling from the organiser but nothing was seen in the form of gels or fruits. It was only until the 18k mark then bananas were given out which i thought was abit too late into the run to have any positive effect, probably the energy from the bananas will kick in only after the 21k mark which makes no sense to consume in the first place. What a disappointment, really.
Nevertheless, i manages to clear the 20k mark at 2hr01min according to my timex and finally crossed the finishling line at 2hr07min. Well this was quite acceptable for me i though having done a close 6min/km pace, which coincidentally was the pace i have been training for the whole of this year for the run leg i my events.
Overall, aid stations were well dotted at every 2k which i thought was quite well done. The route is great and challenging especially on the Sheares bridge (where the run got its name). The support and entertainment planted enroute was great (thanks to the volunteers, great job). On the negative side, i felt the race was too crowded and made it tough for people who want to enjoy a good race. The lack of proper fueling was abit disappointing from my point of view, and the T-shirt provided looks really ugly this year. Honestly, i won't pay for this event again the next time round.
Event: Safra Singapore Bay Run (21km Run)
Date: 16st Aug 2009
Venue: Singapore
Bib No: 4731
Age Group: 21k men's open
Results: 2h 07min 05
Position: 940/4676
Image copyrighted to wanzws's flickr album:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Desaru Tri - Toughest i Had

Drove up over the weekend to Desaru with my buddies for tri event. This is my 2nd 70.3 equivalent distance i had done since september 2008 Aviva 70.3.

The venue is nice and relaxing and the whole event was very casual. It almost seemed like a backyard event organised by the local tribesmen. The atmosphere was great and fun especially from the jovial commentary from the mc at the beginning of the swim start.

However, the course was not as easy as expected. The sea was extremely choppy with huge waves and i had huge mouthfuls of the seawater which was saltier than singapore's. Although we were told that the swim course was way bit shorter than 2k and i reckoned its about 1.6km given my timing.

The 90km bike leg was the killer for me. There were several climbs that were long and moderately steep which was not helpful for me as i'm not a strong climber myself. Of course what goes up must come down so there were a few really fast descend over 50km/h for me.

I felt real punctured before i could transit to my run due to the over exertion on the hills during the bike leg. First sign of cramps on both my thight set in just as i stepped out of T2 for my run and i could barely run comfortably and this went on for the next 6-7km of so. The thought of giving up was so close and i was devicing ways on how i could just end it with a DNF. What kept me going was the finisher medal which i wanted and knowing that my no.1 supporter is waiting for me at the end. So i coaxed myself into believing i could do it and psyched my mental up. And from 8km point onwards i had a surge of determination and i went on a much quicker pace that was close to what i had trained for.

Well the ending was sweet and i had a real sense of achievement which was tremendous. Once again i confirmed my belief - anything is possible. Despite the happy faces and relaxed demeanors, many of the participants are here to set their PB. So many ladies were fast like hell and finished way before me. haha. Better train harder for my next race.

Here are the preliminary results i got from my own timex. Not sure if we are going to get any official results or even certificate since we are not chipped during the event. I'm quite satisfied with my own timing giving the prep i had. But definitely could improve abit more on my bike and alot more on my run.

Event: Desaru Long Distance Triathlon (2km Swim-90km Bike-21km Run)

Date: 1st Aug 2009

Venue: Desaru

Bib No: 168

Age Group: 25-29

POS: 57/69


Swim split - 39:00min

T1 - 4:42min

Bike split - 3:18:24min

T2 - 4:02min

Run split - 2:29:55min

Combined - 6hr 36min 05sec